Halover Vermodje

SKU: 902

$82.00 Out Of Stock



Brand: Vermodje Product Code: Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) Availability: In Stock


Fluoxymesterone is an anabolic and androgenic steroid. Available in tablet form. Most often halotestin is used to increase aggression, muscular density and strengths without gaining muscle mass. Halotestin is popular among athletes who adhere to a certain weight category, as well as representatives of endurance species. Despite the sufficient spread of the facility, the mechanism of its operation has not been fully investigated so far. At the moment the main


  • Increases strength and aggression in the shortest possible time
  • Increases the density, stiffness and venousness of the muscles
  • Great for precompetitive training
  • Stimulates the production of erythropoietin and the synthesis of hemoglobin
  • Strong fat burning properties

Side effect

Due to the extremely high conversion rates in dehydrotestosterone, the development of androgenic alopecia, hypertrophy of the prostate, and, according to the scientists’ assumptions, the risk of development of malignant tumors increases. This is one of the reasons making the drug practically inapplicable for long-term use. The toxicity of fluoxymesterone for the liver is so high that many athletes reported that they began to “feel” the liver in a fairly short time after the start of the course. The drug causes a noticeable oppression of the genital arc, which by the way was demonstrated in the course of scientific work conducted by American scientists in 1977. During the study, several volunteers received 10, 20 and 30 milligrams of the drug for twelve weeks. Prior to this, the control measurements of testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone and globulin binding sex hormones were carried out. Within 24 hours, a significant decrease in endogenous testosterone in the blood was detected, as well as changes in the indices of follicolostimulating hormone. In addition, there was an increase in estradiol, which, however, was not regarded by researchers as the effect of fluoxymesterone.


If you are advised to buy Fluoxymesterone , you need to know that the course of taking the drug should not exceed 6 weeks. If you want to increase the timing of admission, we recommend adding to the course Gonadotropin, which will stimulate the secretion of your own testosterone. Even so, taking Halotestin for more than 8 weeks is highly discouraged, because of its toxic effects on the liver. The dosage of the drug is usually 10-20 mg per day, but it is still better to determine it was assisted by a professional trainer.