Liv.52 Himalaya

SKU: 693

$8.80 In Stock

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Brand: Himalaya Product Code: Various Herbal Ingredients Availability: In Stock


The famous Ayurvedic drug Liv 52 patented by the company “Himalaya” is a herbal remedy for liver treatment. It stimulates the biosynthetic function of liver cells, reduces the effect on them of various toxins (alcohol, fatty, fried foods, etc.) and promotes cell regeneration.
Liv 52 is an excellent preventive for toxic lesions, which are caused by the use of antibiotics, antipyretic and anti-tuberculosis drugs. Promotes recovery of the body after surgery, treatment of radiation and chemotherapy.
Liv 52 improves appetite and normalizes the digestive system. It is characterized as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antioxidant agent, has an easy diuretic effect. Reduces the level of bilirubin, serves as a preventive against gallstones, facilitates the easy removal of gases.

Side effects

Allergic reactions and dyspeptic phenomena.

Dosing and Administration

Inside. For prophylactic purposes: 2 tablets. 2 times a day. As a remedy: adults – 2-3 tables. 2-3 times a day; Children over 6 years – 1-2 table. 2-3 times a day.

Indications for use Liv 52:

Acute, chronic, infectious and toxic hepatitis;
Cirrhosis of the liver, pre-cirrhosis;
Fatty degeneration of the liver; – Cholecystitis;
Anorexia, general exhaustion, weight loss in children;
Prevention of toxic liver damage caused by antibiotics, antituberculosis drugs, antipyretics, chemotherapy, radiation therapy.