Tri-Tren British Dragon

SKU: 812

$105.00 Out Of Stock



Brand: British Dragon Product Code: Trenbolone Mix (Tri Tren) Availability: In Stock


Tri-Tren is a modern steroid drug, which is a mixture of effective trenbolone esters. The drug is based on such steroids as trenbolone acetate, trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate and trenbolone enanthate. This tool is used primarily in the field of sports. Athletes of various disciplines, in particular in bodybuilding, use it usually for a set of high-quality muscle mass, rapid increase in endurance and strength.


Effects of Tri-Tren

  • Increase of muscles up to 10 kg per cycle.
  • Increase of strength and endurance.
  • Stimulates the secretion of an FMI.
  • The level of cortisol in the blood decreases (the development of the process of catabolics is suppressed).
  • Increases the attraction to the opposite sex.
  • Burn fat layers.


Dosage Tri-Tren

For men, the optimal dosage is 300-400 mg per week. Injections can be divided 2-3 times a week. The course lasts for 6-8 weeks. On doping control, it can be detected within 5-6 months. Women are not recommended to use a steroid. To reduce the likelihood of negative manifestations, it is necessary to include gonadotropin and proviron in the course.

Most often, Tri-Tren use solo, but can also be combined with other steroids. The best combination with testosterone, methandienone or testosterone. Experienced athletes often use Tri-Trenabol in conjunction with other AAS. The most common combinations with nandrolone or testosterone anantate. After the end of the course, a two-week post-course therapy is needed, which includes taking clomid or cabergoline.


Side effects

  • Blood pressure rises;
  • Excessive aggression;
  • Oily skin, resulting in acne;
  • Loss of hair;
  • Atrophy of testicles, decreased libido and suppression of testosterone release;
  • Staining the urine in red.